Monday, March 19, 2012

BRTU call for Volunteer Instructors Tuesday, March 20 Buggers Class

Buggers casting on the April 2011 Fishing Day and Picnic
The Buggers Casting and Knots Class is this Tuesday Tuesday, 3/20, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Westview School gymnasium located at 9th and Main in Hamilton. Enter through the east doors facing 9th St. This is the final classroom segment. Thanks to all the FFB and TU members who have volunteered for the tying classes; we couldn't have succeeded without you!

Also on the curriculum for this final class, we'll be helping the kids set up their rod outfits and, weather permitting, begin casting instruction.

Don't forget to pick up a raffle ticket when you come in to help. A drawing will be held in April for volunteers. The prize will be a terrific Monte Dolack print, ready for framing.

  • April TBA– actual Fishing Day and picnic - This is what all the kids have worked for and will be a ton of fun. Please check back for the actual date. 
Classes are sponsored by Bitterroot Trout Unlimited and the Keystone Discovery Enrichment Program.  For more information call the Westview Center at (406) 375-9999 or  Greg Chester at (406) 363-0033.

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