We are calling for volunteers. On Saturday, March 21, we will team up and post regulation signs at as many river access points as needed - hopefully completing the project we started last year. We invite anyone who is interested to join us.
If you want to know what Bitterroot Trout Unlimited is doing to protect the Bitterroot River, get to know our members, and enjoy a morning near the river, come to one of two places at 9:00 am:
- Safeway in Hamilton parking lot (southeast of Hwy 93 and Main Street streetlight/intersection)
- the Stevensville Fishing Access Site (northeast side of the bridge)
BRTU members will be there to meet you, organizing the day's signing efforts.
The following materials will be provided though we would welcome donations of the same:
- Staple guns (bring your own if you have one)
- Metal fence posts and pounder (can always use another pounder)
- Plywood (provided by BRTU and cut to fit the laminated signs)
- baling wire to tie on the signs on the metal fence posts (provided by BRTU)
To volunteer, donate materials, or for more information, please contact:
- Geoff Fitzgerald at fitzes91@yahoo.com or 406-375-9064
- Jack Mauer at wapiti@wapiti-waters.com or 406-642-6548
- or stop by the Fishaus Fly Fishing to talk with Bill Bean, 702 North First Street, Hamilton, MT
Below is a slideshow of Victor crossing, only a few signs remain in good shape. This area needs to be reposted.
View Album Click view album for bigger view in new window. Choose "slideshow" for full screen mode.
Examples of the signs:
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