Saturday, March 1, 2014

Volunteers really needed for Buggers on March 4

Tuesday, Mar 4, 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the Westview School gymnasium located at 9th and Main in Hamilton. Enter through the east doors facing 9th St.

Pattern: X Caddis

Don't forget to pick up a raffle ticket each night you help - there will be a drawing in April for volunteers to win an unmounted Monte Dolack print valued at $175. The more you attend, the better your chances!

This will be the third of the 5 fly tying classes and we are shooting to have a lot of volunteers! We have a terrific bunch of kids this year, so please come and help with our flagship program now in its 17th year!  You do not need to be a good tier to be a good helper!

We'll be judging flies each night for those students choosing to enter. Be sure to pick up judging criteria sheet and instructor guidelines when you arrive.

Questions? Call Jeff at Western Flies and Guides (363-9099) or Ria of the Keystone Program(363-5996) or Greg Chester of BRTU (363-0033)
Thanksin advance for your valued assistance -

Classes are sponsored by Bitterroot Trout Unlimited and the Keystone Discovery Enrichment Program

For more information aboutBitterroot TU, contact Ross Rademacher, BRTU President; email:

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Bitterroot fly fishing clinic to be offered in May

Print this form as a jpg or download
a 2014 Bitterroot Fly Fishing Clinic PDF form
This Bitterroot Fly Fishing Clinic is sponsored by The Fly Fishers of the Bitterroot (FFB) and the Bitterroot Chapter of Trout Unlimited (BRTU).

When: Four Wednesdays in May , 2014 (5/7, 14, 21 & 28) 
Where: Corvallis Middle School, 6 – 8:30 PM
  • Designed for beginning and intermediate adult anglers
  • Comprehensive curriculum covering all aspects of fly fishing
  • Great value at $50 per person
  • Enrollment includes membership in either BRTU or FFB
Sign up deadline - April 25!! Limited enrollment so sign up early!

Special Feature! Casting instruction is provided by Chuck Stranahan and his expert staff. Chuck is a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Casting Instructor.

Enroll at Freestone Fly Shops in Hamilton or Darby or Chuck Stranahan's Flies and Guides in Hamilton or mail in your enrollment form plus a check payable to FFB and mail to FFB, PO Box 692, Victor MT 59875.

Questions? Call Greg Chester at 406-363-0033 or Jim Cline 406-363-2516
Already a member of BRTU or FFB? …then your tuition is only $35
Enrollment form:

Bitterroot Fly Fishing Clinic
Tuition: $50 ($35 if a member of BRTU or FFB) Make checks payable to FFB.
If mailing send to FFB, PO Box 692 , Victor MT 59875
Telephone ____________________________________
Email _________________________________________