Thursday, May 20, 2010

Donegal TU Chapter - Stocking the Lititz Run in Pennsylvania on May 11

The Donegal Chapter of Trout Unlimited (DTU) has a few connections with Bitterroot Trout Unlimited. I stay in close touch with DTU member and our friend, Jim Wellendorf and DTU Volunteer Coordinator, Faye Haering who has family in Bigfork, has attended BRTU banquets and fished the Bitterroot on a trip donated by Dick Galli. Jim has also fished the Bitterroot with Jack Mauer.

Jim and Faye worked on this project and Jim sent us these photos. You can learn more about the stream restoration for Lititz run at:
Donegal Trout Unlimited -
National Trout Unlimited - Lititz Run story

The restoration is being designed by the PA Fish and Boat Commission and the plan will be finalized shortly to restore some of the area located above where the old dam was removed almost 10 years ago. This stocking project is part of the restoration of Lititz Run. Thanks Jim and Faye for sharing this with us.

Jim's note: Here are some pictures I took of this morning's stocking on Lititz Run. Please feel free to use them if you want. The first picture of the nursery operation. The rest are of Jim, Glen and some of the other volunteers doing the stocking. I was with Jim and Glen all morning and I can tell you they did a great job!

My best, Jim Wellendorf

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Montana TU moves into the historic Florence Hotel building in Missoula, MT

Missoula, MT - Come join Montana Trout Unlimited at their new office!
What:  A reception at Trout Unlimited’s new office
When: Friday May 14th from 4-6 p.m.
Where:  111 N. Higgins (Florence Building) Suite 500 (5th Floor)
Refreshments and appetizers will be served.
Questions? Contact:
Kate Grant - 406-543-0054
Program Administrator
Montana Council of Trout Unlimited
PO Box 7186
Missoula, MT  59807

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

BRTU dry fly pattern - GT Western March Brown by Greg Chester

Fly of the Month
GT Western March Brown
 by Greg Chester

Spring time on the Bitterroot is always an exciting time of the year. We start with the long awaited Skwala activity after winter and then are treated to Baetis, March Browns and Gray Drakes as spring sets in.  We’re fortunate in the Bitterroot to have such a diverse bug population and even more privileged to have such terrific hatches to fill the gap between Skwala’s and the summer bugs.

This unique pattern has worked well for me over the years and effectively imitates any mayfly adult by simply changing color and size. It’s tied in the style of Rich Christian’s GT Dun series that replicates both adult and emergent stages. This is made possible with the Gamakatsu C12U curved shank hook and unique tail placement. When fishing this bug keep floatant off of the abdomen and shuck – this is important to insure the emergent stage is replicated properly.

Good tying and good fishing!
  • Hook:        Gamakatsu C12U caddis hook, size 10 - 14
  • Thread:    6/0 Tan Unithread
  • Shuck:    Brown Zelon
  • Abdomen:    Tan goose or turkey biot
  • Tails:        Tan Microfibetts, split
  • Wing:        White polypropylene yarn, parachute style
  • Thorax:    Tan superfine dubbing
  • Hackle:    Brown
  • Head:        Tying thread

Monday, May 10, 2010

BRTU Grant Application Process for projects benefiting wild fish and habitat

Any entity with a good on-the-ground project that benefits wild fish and their habitat can apply for funding through the Bitterroot Trout Unlimited (BRTU) Fisheries Improvement Program. You are strongly urged to contact your local fisheries biologist prior to submitting an application. The local biologist typically knows the limiting factors associated with fish populations in their management area.

Applications must be completed in full, and must include detailed budget information as provided on the Budget Template.

Here are links to more information:

Note: PDF is a universal read-only format. Get a free and easy to use Adobe PDF application here.
In order to fill out the word format on your computer, you will need to download it and save it to your hard drive.

If you need any of these documents in hard copy or a different format see the contacts below. 

President: Bill Bean

Greg Chester
(406) 363-0033

May Fly Fishing Clinic sponsored by BRTU the FFC  - open to all adults

Corvallis Middle School Cafeteria, 6:00 to 9:00 PM, - Four Wednesday's in May (5, 12, 19 and 26) -

Comprehensive curriculum includes basic fly fishing skills and extensive casting instruction each evening.

$50 tuition includes membership in either TU or FFC ($35 if already a member of either organization)

Click the curriculum image to download a PDF version.

Check back to see more about this class as the month goes on. For more information or to get on the mailing list for next year contact:

President: Bill Bean

Greg Chester
(406) 363-0033

Below are some photos from the first class (photos by Greg Chester)